The Securities Commission of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina has a broad regulatory authority. Its responsabilities, among other, include the following:

  • Regulation of conditions and methods of securities issuances and trading;
  • Approval of issuances of shares and other securities by companies and banks;
  • Approval of securities issuances bz fund management companies, investment funds, mutual funds, and other legal persons that issue securities; 
  • Regulation of conditions and methods of bond issuance bz cantons and municipalities;Prescribing the rules and control of securities trading based on securities exchange and system of listing, using electronic means; 
  • Protection of investors' rights;
  • Prescribing and enforcement of standards of disclosure to investors and the general public on business operations of securities trading participants;
  • Prescribing and enforcement of corporate governance standards;
  • Prescribing of conditions, issuing approvals of operations, and control of professional intermediaries (e.g. brokes and dealers), and other securities trading participants.